


Spirit Week Dress-Up Themes

Monday, September 16

  • Lower + Middle School: Favorite Sports Team Day
  • High School: Monochromatic Monday

Tuesday, September 17

  • Lower + Middle School: Wacky Tacky Day
  • High School: Dynamic Duo Day

Wednesday, September 18

  • Lower + Middle School: Character Day
  • High School: Anything but a Backpack Day

Thursday, September 19

  • Lower + Middle School: Patriotic Day
  • High School: Favorite Sports Team/Jersey Day

Friday, September 20

  • Schoolwide: Extreme School Spirit/All Out #lionpride Day

Schoolwide Food Drive

Each year, one of our students’ favorite elements of Spirit Week is our annual schoolwide food drive that benefits City of Refuge Dalton. Collection will begin next Monday and end next Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Donations will be counted immediately after each school day, and prizes will be awarded daily for lower school students, with the class with the most cans each day earning Krispy Kreme doughnuts. For middle school students, the class with the most donations for the week will be awarded a casual dress day. High school students will receive points towards their Spirit Week festivities. Please refer to communications from your child’s division director with more information regarding this Active Faith that Endures initiative. 


Homecoming T-shirt Distribution

Homecoming T-shirt preorders will be distributed on Wednesday, September 18. Students in grades K-8 will have their T-shirt(s) sent home with them. High school students may pick their order up at the North Campus front desk. 


Homecoming Court Parade + Schoolwide Pep Rally

We will have our annual Homecoming Court Parade on Friday morning, September 20, at 9:00 a.m., for all students, faculty, and CHS families to enjoy. The parade will take place on South Campus. High school students will be safely escorted by foot across the street to South Campus for this schoolwide student body experience. Any parents and guests wishing to attend are asked to park their vehicles in the stadium parking lot and arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. to allow students the safest experience possible. Parents and guests, please enter campus through the gated entrance closest to the Ken White Athletic Center. All other entrances will be closed.

Following the parade, everyone will be escorted to The Lions’ Den (football stadium) for the first schoolwide pep rally of the year! Guests, please allow students to fill the bleachers first to allow ample room for our Lions of all ages. 


Weekly Parent Prayer Time

All parents are invited to join us on Friday mornings, at 8:00 a.m., in The Sparks Library on South Campus, for a time of community and prayer. We look forward to seeing you there!


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