GOAL Scholarship Program

The Georgia Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit allows Georgia taxpayers to direct their tax dollars to designated independent schools, playing a vital role in improving educational opportunities for K-12 students. The schools, in turn, utilize these funds to enroll deserving students, regardless of their family’s ability to pay full tuition. Each year, this program, combined with support from the CHS Endowment Foundation, Inc., and The Lion Fund, plays a critical role in our financial aid program.

CHS partners with Georgia GOAL, the state's leading Student Scholarship Organization (SSO). GOAL works with over 150 independent schools throughout Georgia and has awarded scholarships to nearly 20,000 deserving students since the program's inception in 2008. Over 185 CHS students receive financial assistance through GOAL each school year.

How to Participate


Make your gift today!

Tax Credit Limits

  • Single individual or head of household - up to $1,000
  • Married couple filing a joint return - up to $2,500
  • Married couple filing a separate return - up to $1,250
  • Member of an LLC, S Corporation, or Partnership - up to 75% of annual Georgia income tax liability
  • C Corporation or Trust - up to 75% of annual Georgia income tax liability


Please note that The Georgia Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit provides an opportunity for participants to redirect THEIR GEORGIA tax liabilitIES to financial aid at THEIR favorite independent school. Participation in the TAX CREDIT, therefore, is not related to DIRECT GIVING TO THE SCHOOL THROUGH THE LION FUND.
For more information about GOAL, please contact Mandy Brindle, Director of Development, at mbrindle@chslions.com.