Weekly lower school chapel services seek to expand students' experience in God's Word and allows them to worship and learn together as a group. Fifth-grade students lead the lower school in worship each week through song and dance. Throughout the year, speakers are invited from the community, such as children's ministers, visiting missionaries, and pastors, to deliver a message to students. Additionally, each grade level is assigned a chapel service once each school year, and students in the grade lead the service.
Weekly middle school chapel services allow students to enjoy a praise and worship band led by their peers, guest speakers from local or global ministries and organizations, and games and activities that engage the students' interest and foster camaraderie among grade levels. Chapels serve as a unique opportunity for students to grow spiritually and gain knowledge that will help prepare them for everyday life.
Weekly high school chapel services seek to nurture the spiritual life of students in the context of an academic environment. During chapel, high school faculty and students gather together for the purpose of worship, and this joint participation encourages the development of Christian faith through peer and mentor relationships. Our Director of Christian Life works to bring about a culturally relevant and Biblically based chapel program. Variety in worship forms, traditions, and music enriches the educational and experiential dimension of each week’s service.